Joel Rosenman: Young Men With Unlimited Capital

Joel Rosenman Woodstock

Joel Rosenman, the son of a dentist was half of the fabled 'young men with unlimited capital' advertisement that Artie Kornfeld and Michael Lang never actually saw. Rosenman was partners with John Roberts and, according to the Elliot Tiber biography, was the more most hip of the two. They were introduced to Kornfeld and Lang by the lawyer of 'Train'. According to Kornfeld, he did most of the talking as Lang hung back with the cool guy vibe. The pitch worked and Rosenman and his partner John P. Roberts put up $250,000 toward what would become the largest event in music history. Woodstock Ventures was formed within days. The former musician would later co-author the book "Young Men With Unlimited Capital", an account of Rosenman and Robert's part in Woodstock 1969.

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